After my back and forth decision where to go for christmas, everything was final. I was going to visit Evan in Switzerland. Well scratch that. Now he is coming to Kuala Lumpur on the 19th (11 days!! ahh!!) where as I will leave on the 22nd to go and celebrate christmas with my family (mom, dad & all four sisters! yay!) in Dubai with our family friends. Will however leave to get back here on the 27th to see Evan again! Where I will have planned out a a few amazing things which you should have done when visiting KL (and even after 4 years, I still havent. opps!) And then there is New Years Eve, BLOODY BEETROOTS! Believe it or not, I am excited! Ever since I saw SHITDISCO and I went into a 3 hour trans, i have loved it. there fore my new years is going to be amazing! where I will be joined with my alumni best friends, and Lene. But last but not least, I got reservations already to go home with the sexiest guy out of them all, evan :)
So far those are my plans. and so far, I AM STICKING TO THEM. And hopefully ill be able to squeeze in a lil getaway after new years :)
other then that, life is awesome! i am happy. and I just wanna hear back from my colleges! woop!
But now back to studying, EXAMS. yay.
Good night everybody.
11 days :)