Yes, packing up all the things and memories in that house hurts and is upsetting. But then when you are out comparing all these new houses to your old house; there will be things that you love because they are new exciting and even a few things that a better than your old house, but also a few things that doesn't quiet meet the standards of your old house. But then you finally walk in to a house, which makes you feel great, and there won't be any hesitation, because it will feel just right. Then the butterflies comeback because it is something new, something different and an upgrade from what you had before.
But yes, you will still pass that street and you will get that feeling every time you pass the house; the feeling you felt when you lived inside it. But you just have to learn to smile at the memories inside it and be happy for the people that live in it now, and only hope they can be as happy as you were when you lived in that house.
Just continue to walk down that road and meet what is waiting for you at home.