She has a blog ( http://maddymakesmanymarvelousmangomuffins.blogspot.com/ )
where she just wrote a great entry about love.
This is from her blog:
That person you think about and you cant help but smile.
Makes you feel like there is a reason to keep trying and not to give up.
When you look in the eyes of that person you can feel them..
In your stomach, in the kiss, in the touch of that other person.
Holding there hand you feel safe and you never want to let go.
When you find that someone that makes you feel this way.
Don't let them go, rain or shine, obstacles, and distance.
Just stick together,
you will know if its real,
Sometime you search and you find it.. most of the time it just hits you,
when you would least expect it.
Don't let go, embrace it..
Its a person you want close to your heart.
"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
I just really wanted to promote this story. Not just because it was really well written, but because it is true. This is love. This is the definition for what we feel for each other. I know it.