Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tonight I had a lovely date with my wife here in Uppsala, Sofia! We made a really nice dinner which literally took hours of planning, but totally worth it. We started off with chèvre cheese on a fried toast with some honey and pepper topped over it! Then as our main course we had corn soup (which sounds very easy and not very nice, but it was SOOOOOOO delicious) with quesadillas on the side. Well I cannot forget! The drinks! Yum yum yum. They were some good ones which got us a little buzzin for our movie :)

Then we went to the movies and saw "Love and other drugs"; Well I have been waiting to see this for like 3 weeks, and guess what? I was disappointed. It didn't SUCK, but it is nothing I would waste my money on going to see. So rent it on a hung over day! :)