My mom really is like no other. Never has been like any other. She always does her own thing. She always does things her own way, with her own ingredients and spices. There really is only one like her.
I hate the saying "My mother is my best friend" because she shouldnt be. Just because someone is your mom you do not have to have the sort of relationship where she only tells you the can and cannot does. I look up to my mom, I admire my mom more than anyone I have ever met. When people tell me I am just like her, it is the biggest compliment anyone can ever give me. She is beautiful and outstanding woman. She is one of those people where you always question yourself "HOW DOES SHE DO IT?" She finds energy and strength to pursue anything she wants. She strives until she succeeds. And she does it in the most awesomess way! There is no one that I consult in as much as my mom. She knows what is best for me, as her daughter and as an individual. She levels me, she calms me, she helps me grow into whatever I want to become.
Why I am writting this is because people take their parents for granted. I know I once upon a time did. Don't. Without our parents we would be terribly lost. I know I wouldn't be pursuing the things I am pursuing today without my mom. I love her, she is nothing shorter than the best and I miss her more than anything and anyone today.