Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jenny from the mooon

This Sunday my gorgeous Jenny arrived to Sweden! It was a short stay, but still a really great one! By far the best start of the week! :) Yesterday we went to Stockholm and walked around, I was a tourist in my own town! I walked in places I had never been before! Then she left this morning, so it was pretty much just one day. It felt like way more though! This is what I love about real friendships; it doesn't matter how long that you are away from each other, it is just like yesterday when we finally see one and other. I haven't seen Jenny in 2 years and it was such a refreshing wind to come into my life again! haha. We have adventures planned in the near future and I can't wait for us to get to them! 
Thank you for everything Jenny! You are amazingly the best! :)